We took on the challenge of designing an abandoned eight acre walled garden with the aim of creating a new and highly productive garden that would become a visitor attraction. Our clients built a fabulous restaurant within the walls which was to be supplied by produce from the garden. It’s a modern interpretation, but the garden is designed along of the lines of the kitchen garden which once existed. We split the single vast expanse into various sections, to create the appropriate conditions and different contexts for many different types of growing. We have sinuous mounds which travel through the cherry orchards, an amazing turf maze at the top of the garden and a lavender garden at the centre. The lavender is distilled to make essential oil for aromatherapy and luxury toiletries and also in a world renowned gin. The mixture of vegetables and cut flowers at the heart of the garden, are all used in products or within the restaurant. In other garden areas which are set around this productive heart, there are performance spaces and a children’s play garden. The full vision set out in the design is still to be completed. The main framework and borders at the heart of the garden are in place and have already fulfilled their roles for productivity and as a garden for visitors to enjoy. New layers of the design are being added all the time, so the public as well as the owners can engage with the excitement of getting closer and closer to the full picture being realised.